Category: Education News Unplugged

How many parents are aware that they will have to contribute thousands of pounds per year towards their child’s university education on top of the debt from student loans? The government appears to be withholding this information, according to submissions …

Due to issues upgrading their kitchens to comply with the government’s free school meals program expansion, a primary school in Bath may have to resort to feeding their pupils sandwiches from a local pub. The school is one of 1,500 …

Amidst the Covid crisis, teaching assistants have emerged as the unsung heroes of the education system. Their contribution in managing the pandemic in schools has been indispensable, especially for the children of key workers. Several schools relied on them for …

Elizabeth Truss, the Education Minister, has revealed that the latest primary curriculum will include more emphasis on imperial measurements. But what do experts think about this decision?

Kay Gerrett, the Headteacher of Cedar Road Primary School, believes it is crucial …

The mere mention of politics often has teenagers tuning out. Ask them about the performance of a political figure and you’ll most likely be met with disinterest. However, raise issues such as taxation at 16 or access to buying alcohol, …

Martin Weaver, a man of many talents, passed away at the age of 72 after battling cancer. He arrived at Boston Grammar School in 2004 to fill a sudden vacancy, and within a week of his arrival, the school was …

David Holman was a highly influential playwright in the field of theatre in education, passing away at the age of 79. He was renowned for creating over 60 plays for children and young people, making an indelible impact on generations …